Dowkey at the Autotestcon Show

October 21, 2010 at 7:22 pm | Posted in Ceramic & Microwave Products, Coaxial Switches, Dow-Key, RF matrices, Switch Matrices | Leave a comment
Orlando, Florida (September 13-16, 2010) – Last month, Dow-Key Microwave participated in the Autotestcon Show, held in Orlando, Florida, from September 13th through 16th. The theme of this year’s conference reflected upon not only the fact that 2010 is Autotestcon’s forty-fifth year, but also that their technical program focuses on the future of automatic test. Dow-Key Microwave joined over 100 other exhibiting organizations and United States Military divisions in providing over 250 exhibition booths. Dow-Key Switches

By participating in this show, Dow-Key Microwave’s attendees, Adolf Cheung, Larry Neeley, Greg Marinez and Sara Nazemzadeh, were able to meet senior military and aerospace leaders, as well as intermingle with other professionals in the industry, including weapon systems managers, acquisition officials, engineers and logisticians.Dow-Key Microwave held its exhibition at booth number 836, which turned out to be a great location since it was in a high traffic area.
Dow-Key’s products on display included the solid state 3202 matrix, the electromechanical 4104 matrix, the fiber optics matrix, PXI modules, and many coaxial and waveguide switches that are great for test setups, as well as ATE applications. The fiber optics matrix, which is one of the latest additions to Dow-Key’s product line, really captured a high level of interest. Participation in the show also provided a great opportunity to reveal the company’s new Space Brochure for the first time.
During the three day exhibition, Dow-Key Microwave also took part in the “Tech Trek” competition which was sponsored by Evaluation Engineering. In this competition, visitors of Dow-Key’s booth had the chance to win an iPod, iPad, or various other electronics through multiple daily drawings. This competition was a fun event that gave Dow-Key Microwave the opportunity to meet and interact with may great engineers and leaders within the RF industry.
The outcome of the show was truly great, because it was very well attended, and Dow-Key was able to capture many high quality leads. Due to this great turn out, Dow-Key Microwave plans to participate in the next Autotestcon show, which will be held next year in Baltimore.

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